Couleur.Org - Philippe COLANTONI

Philippe COLANTONI is associate professor at University Jean-Monnet of Saint-Etienne and member of the Hubert Curien laboratory. Creator of the Imaging and eXtended Reality (IXR) platform and local coordinator of the IMLEX Master program, he is currently Vice-Rector in charge of Digital Strategy at University Jean-Monnet.

These research interests are computer vision, color science and computer graphics with application to multi-spectral imaging, general-purpose computation using graphics hardware, 3D visualization and color management.

Philippe Colantoni -


Coming soon


ColorViewer ColorViewer

SpectralViewer SpectralViewer

Image Annotation Image Annotation

Colorspace Data Viewer Colorspace Data Viewer

Web Tools

Web CMM Demonstrator Web CMM Demonstrator

PCA Images Demonstrator PCA Images Demonstrator

3D Poses Dataset 3D Poses Dataset